setup and customize hubspot zoho crm, book, report klaviyo

john ajibola
Jul 21, 2021


on a business scale, have got to find out a crm platform that can actually help your business grow well. with zoho your business has the potential to scale up drastically.

zoho is a right feature for sales and marketing, third party integrations, automations and secured cloud storage which helps to synchronize email record and as well link communication to your leads and deals. I recommend zoho for your business growth.

My services:

- Responsive Landing page design on hubspot

- Email Template creation

- Website design

-Hubspot Email campaign, automation and analytics

- Set up workflows and sequences

- Strategic and effective sales funnel

-Integration of hubspot, zoho, klaviyo with third party softwares

Kindly contact me incase you need help or consultation as well as before placing an order.



